Wednesday, 31 August 2016

What do you think about Transport for London 'offer me a seat badge'?

Free Baby on Board BadgeIn 2005 Transport for London TfL introduced the Baby on Board badge that helps pregnant women get seats on public transport in London during busy periods.

This scheme has been a success.

TfL provide a range of free advice to passengers such as how to travel with a buggy, travel alerts on your phone under the banner every journey matters.

Most transport users are polite and will happily give up a seat to someone who is elderly or clearly disabled. But there are a lot of people who suffer with what are known as hidden illnesses. People with conditions such as dementia, arthritis, crohns disease, chronic pain, dizziness and more can experience real problems when using public transport.

TfL are taking the success of the 'baby on board' badge scheme to see if it will help disabled people.

As from September 12th 1000 volunteers will try out a new 'blue badge' asking if people would offer them a seat. one reason for the use of a badge stemmed from a cancer sufferer who was not able to speak and so couldn't ask for a seat. And the scheme may avoid possible unpleasantness on the bus, train or tube.

This is the badge, what do you think?

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